Friday 5 October 2012

How to Increase Your Google Adsense CTR

Many people think that they just have to copy and paste Google Adsense code into their website and start earning a huge amount of money from it. What a huge mistake! I also thought the same way two years ago. Later I realized that without optimization, that's impossible. Here I will share all of the tricks to increase my Google Adsense CTR that I found within the last two years.
Here are some tips to increase your Google Adsense CTR:
  1. Make sure the ads that are appearing on your site are closely related with your content. This is the first thing you have to do because if your ads are not relevant, there's small possibility that people will click on them. Then, what should you do to tackle this problem? Here are the tips:
    • Create a keyword rich content. I suggest you creating one topic a page.
    • Check your keyword rich content and then mark some of your keywords as bold or italic. But don't do it too much, just do it 1 – 2 times per page. Otherwise, Google assumes you are doing spamming.
    • Use your keyword in your page title. For example: <TITLE>How to bake delicious bread</TITLE>
    • Use HTML Tag <H1> as your content title, and put your keyword in it. Don't forget to place this tag at the beginning of your content.
    • If all those tips still do not work, there is just one possibility: there are no ads that matched with your keyword! You can check this out by using this marvelous tool from the Digital Point Website. It is called the Google Adsense Sandbox, and located in
      You'll be asked to enter your selected keyword and it will display every Adsense ads that's connected with that keyword. What if your suspicion is correct? Change your keyword! Do not worry; sometimes you just have to change one or two words.
  2. Use wide ads (336x280, 300x250 or 250x250). Because these are the best performing ads.
  3. Blend your ads with your website themes. For example, if your background color is white, change your ads border and background color to white as well. If your background color is dark (black), use bright color such as yellow as link color. This will decrease user ad-blindness.
  4. Place your Google Adsense in these positions:
    • Above the fold
      Above the fold is the top position of your page that's visible without your visitor having to scroll down. This is the best location that works for me. I place 336x280 ad unit in this location and it works very well. Why? Okay, back to our example. Your article is about “how to bake delicious bread”. Someone finds it from search engine; when he opens it, he first sees ads about "baking school", "baking book" or "bread recipes". Who won't be interested?
    • In the middle of an article.
      This works well if your article is long (more than 500 words). People tend to stop for a while and look for something different while they read. I suggest using rectangular ads (125x125, 180x150, 300x250, 336x280, 250x250 ad unit) for this purpose and make it left justified. I usually put my Google Adsense code inside this code:
      <div style='float: left; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 5px;'>
      This code will nicely blend your Google Adsense ads with your content.
    • At the end of an article.
      Many people reported that placing Google Adsense ads at the end of their article tends to work very well. This is because when people finish reading an interesting article, they usually think "okay, what's next?" That's your chance! By placing Google Adsense ads at the end of this article, people will spend a minute to read it and then (maybe) click it. For example, you write an article about “how to bake delicious bread”. And at the end of it, there are some ads about "bread recipes". Who won't be interested?
  5. Regarding the fourth tip, I don't recommend you placing three ad units in a single page. From my experience, the number of ad unit you place in a single page doesn't affect your CTR. In fact, I even found that placing three text ads in a single page make my ads "unblended". For example, I put 160x600, 468x60 and 336x280 ads on a single page. You know what? My 468x60 ads only showed 3 ads in it, whereas my 336x280 ads only showed 2 ads in it! My suggestion is: use 1 – 2 ad unit and a single link unit on your page (Google allows 3 ad unit and 1 link unit to be placed on a single page).
  6. Always use Link Unit! Many people never realize that Link Unit is the most profitable format if put in the right place. Try to place it near your navigation menu. People will misidentify it as a navigation menu and automatically read it. If your ads are closely relevant to your content, there's big possibility they will click it. I move the top navigation in one of my websites to the bottom section and replace it with 728x15 Link Unit Ads. You know what? My Google Adsense CTR increased by 200%!
  7. Place an image near your ads because user tends to look at this section.
  8. Use channels to track your ads performance.
  9. Include Google Search Box in your website. Though it will not drastically increase your CTR, it's still worth to be used. Around 3% of my monthly income comes from Google Search Box. What I love about this facility is that it shortens my development process. I don't have to develop my own search facility and let Google handles it!
  10. Do not click your own ads, or ask people to click it. Believe me, Google will be able to detect those illegal clicks and they will ban your Adsense account if you do it. In fact, I even suggest you emailing Google if you find that your CTR is "abnormal" (above 20%). Ask them to investigate it, in case one of your competitors tries to ruin your reputation.
  11. Increase your traffic. There are many ways to increase your traffic; firstly you have to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization), then submitting your website to several search engines, directories, free articles directories, doing link baiting, and many more. I will discuss all these techniques in another article.
  12. Many people suggest targeting high paying keywords. But I won't recommend the same thing because I'm sure you will face bloody competition to reach the top position in SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages). Believe me, there are thousands of people who also think like you do. I would prefer to use popular keywords that many people search in Google and there are not many competitors (let's say, 200 – 400 searches a day with total competitors below 500,000). These maybe are not high paying keywords (they usually only pay $0.1 - $1/click); but imagine if you can get 1000 page views/day with 3% CTR, you already get $3 - $30/day! (for a new publisher, this is a very good start).
  13. Being specific. If you have many interests, do not put them into a single website. You better create several websites for each of them. For example, you like baking cake, cooking and gardening. Do not put them together into a single website because it will make it too general. You better create three different websites for each of them. This will make them more specific, has more targeted visitors and your keywords will not be diluted.
  14. Learn what "masters" say. You will find many valuable tips by joining Google Adsense forum such as
  15. Be patient. If you are a new Google Adsense publisher, please remember one thing: BE PATIENT. You won't become a millionaire within a night. Everything takes time (unless you already have huge amount of traffic).

9 Myths and Facts about Google Adsense

  1. Myth: Since wide ads (336x280, 300x250 and 250x250) are effective in many websites, it must also be doing the same thing in my website. Fact: Not really. Every website has its own characteristics; you cannot just follow what people said and then hope that your CTR will drastically increase. Try to do your own experiments with various ads and placements. Perhaps ads unit that are not effective in another website are your most profitable ads.
  2. Myth: It's profitable to develop website that's targeting high paying keywords. Fact: Perhaps, if you really are a Search Engine Optimization expert. It is correct that when these high paying keywords are clicked, you will get a huge amount of money. But do you realize how many people out there who also think the same thing? I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands; and you will face bloody competition to reach the top position in SERPS (Search Engine Result Pages). Without top position in SERPS, there will be no visitor; without visitor, there will be no one who clicks on your ads. I have another suggestion for this approach, read it in How to Increase Your Google Adsense CTR.
  3. Myth: High Traffic + High CTR = High Income. Fact: It is a perfect equation if only there is no smart pricing. High income depends of several factors, such as smart pricing and what type of website you run. Some types of websites (such as forum) have high traffic but they do not generate many incomes from Google Adsense. Smart pricing also affects it. I have seen many websites with high traffic, high CTR, but totally low income.
  4. Myth: Be careful if your traffic suddenly increases (perhaps because a popular website features one of your articles), Google might think you are doing spamming. Fact: Nonsense. Google is able to detect your visitors from their IP addresses (if you are not net savvy, just imagine IP address as your phone number; every time you make a phone call, it will be recorded on your phone company). If you're doing spamming, there is big possibility that all these IP addresses will be exactly the same. Beside that, Google is able to detect who your referrer is (where your visitors know your website from). If they find out that a popular blog/website is linking to your website, they will surely understand. So, don't worry about this.
  5. Myth: If Google suddenly bans your Adsense account, there is no chance you will be able to defend yourself. Fact: Some people agree with this, but some other give contradictory facts. Many webmasters complained that Google never gave them warnings and suddenly terminated their accounts. In fact, Google even didn't give them any explanations what their fault was. Strangely, some other webmasters gave contradictory facts. Firstly, Google always gives two warnings before they finally close an Adsense account. Secondly, if you can prove that you never break Google Adsense TOS (Terms of Service) such as doing click fraud, then they will reactivate your account.
  6. Myth: Google Adsense will make you millionaire within a couple of months. Fact: Wake up! It's not time for daydreaming! You must treat Google Adsense as a real business. And just like another real business, it takes times and efforts to be successful. Darren Rowse from Problogger shares how long he took to get six figures check from Google Adsense in here:
  7. Myth: Repeating visitors will stabilize your Google Adsense incomes. Fact: Big mistake. In fact, repeating visitors even easily suffer ads-blindness. Since they regularly visit your website, they know where exactly you put your ads (except you rotate those ads everyday), and will avoid them. Getting new visitors everyday is more effective for your Google Adsense incomes.
  8. Myth: The only way to monetize your Google Adsense account is by placing their ads in every website/ blog you owned. Fact: Fortunately, no! There are many ways to use your Google Adsense ID (known as “Publisher ID”) now. One of them is by using it for “revenue sharing”. What is that? There are some forums that ask you to enter your Publisher ID when you register in their websites. They will use this ID to generate Google Adsense ads that will be displayed in every thread you participate in. If these ads are clicked, they will split the income: 50% for you, 50% for them. One of the forum that provide this facility is
  9. Myth: People who got tens (or even hundreds) of thousands dollars from Google Adsense must own a single website that is visited by millions of visitors a day. Fact: Not all of them. In fact, many of them even admitted that they got those checks by developing many small websites. For them, it is easier to generate $40,000 from 40 small websites than generate $40,000 from a single website.

Common AdSense Mistakes

In my experience with thousands of my AdSense Gold customers, I've noticed that new AdSense publishers tend to make the same mistakes. I made them too when I was new to AdSense.
I've decided to discuss 3 of the big mistakes with you so that you can have a head start and avoid these AdSense pitfalls. They are:
  1. Selecting the wrong topics
  2. Having too many topics on the same site
  3. Trying to make a quick buck with bad traffic

Selecting The Wrong Topics

When I first started out with AdSense, I was one eager beaver. I wanted to create as many pages as I could, and I didn't care what topic they were about as long as it wasn't adult or gambling.
I put up a site on Old Time Radio Shows, and I was excited to see that I made a few dollars a month with it. What I didn't realize at the time is that my $0.10 clicks were the bottom of the proverbial AdSense barrel in terms of earnings.
I didn't know then that it paid to research the good, high paying topics. So I just put up sites on whatever I could think of that seemed easy to rank for in the search engines.
I was shooting myself in the foot! Once I realized that I could do a little keyword research and find out how much the keywords were worth, then I started focusing on the higher paying niches and started seeing the $1, $2, $5, $10 clicks and up. I don't get that much with every click, but often enough to keep me very happy!
So research your topics first using the AdWords Traffic Estimator Tool, or a good high paying keywords list such as Keyword Explosion.

Too Many Topics on One Site

Another mistake I see newbies make very often (and I made myself when I was a newbie) is having too many topics put on one website. I've seen sites that target everything from alphalpha to Zoro!
That's a bad idea for two main reasons:
  1. It makes it hard to optimize your site. You want your domain name to be targetted to the topic of the site (a great search engine optimization technique). If you have every manner of topic on the site, you can't do this and lose out on the power that a great domain name can have with the search engines.
  2. Google's Smart Pricing doesn't like it. If you're not familiar with it, SmartPricing is what Google uses to figure out how much your page is worth in relation to the ads showing on the page. The more Smart Pricing likes your pages, the more you will get paid per click.
    One of the things I've seen with Smart Pricing is that it likes tightly focused, targetted sites. You might have a lot of pages on one site, but they need to be related to each other.
But I can't afford more than one domain right now,” you might protest.
If that's the case, the best thing you can do is to create subdomains for each of the categories that your site targets.
For example, if you have a site that targets "alphalpha" and "Zoro", have two subdomains:
Do not have the subdomains link to each other either. That way Google seems them as seperate "mini-sites".

Be Careful What Kind of Traffic You Send To Your Sites

Not all traffic sources are created equal. There are a lot of sites out there selling "one hundred thousand visitors to your site for $49.95!" and the like.
What most of these sites do is use software to "simulate" a visit to your site. They are not real people. I've tested this extensively with a couple of vendors who sell this kind of traffic, and not once have I ever gotten any "real" people.
The problem is that sometimes those bots goof and "click" the ads by following the links.
Google sometimes sees those clicks as fraudulent, and many a new AdSense publisher has lost his account because of it.
So beware of shady or "too good to be true" traffic promises, they will only hurt you!
Focus on search engine optimization and link trading, that's where you're going to get the most bang for your buck.

Google Adsense: The Money Maker

If ever you felt you need more money to augment your current income, Google Adsense is your answer. To be sure, simply displaying Google Adsense ads in your website will not fetch you cash. Of course you need a website, preferably one that concerns a fair amount of populace, but that is just the beginning. It is important that you strive hard to bring sizable traffic to your site.

What is Google Adsense?

Briefly, Google Adsense is all about display of Adwords ads on content sites that are part of Google network. In effect, two things happen in conjunction with one another. First, PPC (pay per click) advertisers using Adwords ad campaign have to opt for placement of their ads in content sites (the other option is search sites). Second, individual website owners must enroll with Google to qualify for displaying Adwords ads.
Google Adsense is thus an interface whereby enrolled web publishers agree to place Google Adwords ads on their websites in return for revenue that results when those ads are clicked on. In other words, the money so collected by Google from Adwords advertisers is shared between Google itself and website owners where the clicks have occurred. Google Adsense is therefore a win-win situation for both parties at no additional cost to website owners.
Let us now explore how you can maximize your earning through Google Adsense.

How to present your Google Adsense ads

For an answer, we will turn to Google Adsense help center. There is a pictorial presentation, called 'heat map', that elucidates ideal places for locating Google Adsense ads. In short, here are main points to consider:
  • Ads appearing above the fold tend to perform better.
  • Place ads directly above (the hottest place) and below content.
  • Place ads as close to content and navigational pane, left side being more preferable.
  • Place Google Adsense ads on content pages, if not on all pages of your website.
  • Combine multiple ad units on every content page, focusing specially on rectangular boxes and skyscrapers and even link units, the latter in case of space constraint.
  • A big advantage with Google Adsense ads is that you can use any color combination to display the ads. Experts suggest it is better to merge ad background with background color of your webpage. Further, consider using same color for text and link as that of your webpage.

Maximize gain with Google Adsense ads

Like any money-making venture, you have to work incessantly to maximize your earnings from Google Adsense ads. After you have ensured proper appearance of Google Adsense ads on your webpage, the next thing to consider is organizing the ads in such a way that viewers are enticed to click on them. The main issue here is theme (or shall we say 'niche') of your content page and that of Google Adsense ads must coincide. For example, if the content page relates to the niche 'traveling in Himalayas', the Google Adsense ads shown need to center around this niche.
But all niches may not be popular. Therefore the trick is to discover those niche keywords that people frequently search for. There are many free and paid tools in the market that let you unravel popular search terms. None is more elaborate and helpful than the Adwords Keyword Tool. When you use the tool, try to dig out your niche keywords and build keyword-enriched content pages. Google Adsense ads appearing in those content pages are likely to be more successful in terms of visitors' inclination to click on them.

Adsense - Google's bounty

There are many tales that do the rounds as to how much Google Adsense will fetch you. A recent story (Google's hidden payroll,, March 28, 2006) cites quite a few examples of more than thousand dollars income per month through Google Adsense. Google itself flaunts success stories aimed at new publishers. Be that as it may, there is no doubt that web publishers can indeed reap rich bonanza with Google Adsense.

How To Get More Money From Google AdSense

Google AdSense can actually help you get more money online by simply displaying Google ads on your website. But you can maximize your online income by optimizing your website as you still push through with Google AdSense. Here are 20 ways to make maximize your website's potential online income with Google Adsense.
  1. Focus on driving more targeted traffic to your website. The money this traffic will give you will be more than what Adsense can actually give.
  2. Optimize your website to get only the most targeted traffic.
  3. It is important that you know the Google AdSense Guidelines.
  4. Keep in mind the Google AdSense TOS and follow it by heart.
  5. Be familiar with the Google Heat map – you need this!
  6. Submit posts on web content that you find relevant on – do this on high ranking websites closely related to your own website.
  7. You can also post comments on forums about stuffs that are relevant to your website's theme.
  8. Blogs are also a good option to join. They will help increase your website's popularity.
  9. Your website certainly needs a Google sitemap, so have one!
  10. Web Content must be first in the list of your priorities in your website.
  11. Web Content must be relevant and useful to your target market.
  12. Add more relevant content on your website whenever possible.
  13. Make sure your website has a valuable source of information about interesting topics related to your website's overall theme.
  14. Always have something interesting on your website to attract more site visitors.
  15. Be familiar with Copyblogger – it makes sense.
  16. Do not actually push your site traffic to click on the Adsense ads.
  17. The Adsense ads can be reviewed – if you are unsure about its legibility.
  18. Interesting and attractive yet relevant images can be placed close to the ads.
  19. Quit the idea of animations on the website.
  20. Integrate the ads with your website design – it looks coordinated.
Don't rely too much on the money that Google AdSense is giving you right now. You can have more money - legally. All you have to do is remember these tips and follow them by heart. These tips are proven effective in terms of increasing online income as you endeavor with Google AdSense. While you utilize Google Adsense on your website, be sure to find more ways to earn money without depending too much on AdSense.

Best Placement Format That Can Increase Your Profits

The google Adsense program is a fantastic way for anybody no matter his or her Internet experience or technical level to make significant, steady income on the Internet, almost as an autopilot.
For Example, some of google Adsense great benefits include:
  • You don't have to sell anything and deal with customer complaints like in Ebay businesses our worry about payments or be forced to refund these payments for whatever reason.
  • You wont have to invest countless hours trying to contact potential JV partners and dealing with possible rejections.
  • You don't have to buy over-rated private label ebooks everybody else is trying to sell.
  • Or spend lots of time researching possible profitable Niches, only to find that the seats have already been taken by savvy Internet marketers.
But how does the Google Adsense program work?
Simple, you apply to google using your website or blog and you get accepted. You can find details about this process at google's website.
Google places ads on your web pages. These ads are closely related to the contents of that page. For example, if you have a page on bad credit repair, google will only place ads relating to “bad credit repair” on that page.
This policy works very well to your advantage. It maintains the quality of your site by keeping a uniform content. Visitors searching for particular keyword information arrive at your site and click on the google adsense ads. You will make money as long as the visitor clicks through, whether they buy item or not. You can also profit from the cost per-1000 impressions or cpm.
The above explanation sounds simple, but why are many people disappointed by their google adsense earnings? Well. The problem can be narrowed to poor Ad placement.
According to google help center: you should ask yourself the following simple questions before designing your google adsense pages:
  1. What is the visitor trying to accomplish by visiting your website?
  2. What do they do when viewing a particular web page?
  3. Where do you suppose they are focusing their attention?
  4. How can you blend your ads into this area of focus without appearing to be selling them something?
  5. How can you keep your pages clean, uncluttered and professional looking to captivate your visitors' attention?
In summary, most savvy Internet marketers agree on the following optimal google adsense ad format and strategies:
  1. Concentrate on only one google adsense ad format - the large rectangle (336 x 280). Thus format has proven to attract a higher click-through-rate (ctr). Why, you may ask? Basically because these types of ads look like normal web links that your visitors are used to clicking on. They will automatically click on them, and of course you will make money.
  2. Choose a google adsense ad palette that matches your site's theme. That is, if your site has a white background, then choose white color for your ad boarder and background.
  3. Place google adsense ads at the top of your page, where visitors can see them-quickly.
  4. Include 3 to 4 unique images that will make visitors focus on the adsense ad area. Best placements are beneath the images.
  5. Remember to optimize your web pages with appropriate keywords. Observe the following basic rules as much as possible, as you build your website pages:
    • Choose 2 to 3 keywords per page.
    • Choose keywords with high-bid amounts as primary keywords.
    • Use the primary keyword in your title, and then repeat title in the body of your article, especially within the first paragraph.
    • Bold your primary keyword and other keywords about 4 times within the body of the article.
    • If this is a blog post, hit the return key a couple of times at the end of article, and finish with primary keyword all by itself.
    • Last but not the least, placing a google search box on your website can increase your adsense revenues dramatically.

Adsense Advertiser Alternatives

Many people have started using Google's AdSense program, but there are some who find it a bit too uncertain or simply not suiting their own requirements from an ad program.
But thankfully for such people, there are many alternatives to AdSense which attempt to alleviate some of its shortcomings. Here is a list of the most noteworthy ones from the lot with a description concerning each one.


AllFeeds has a great pool of online advertisers to choose from. It also features many display formats that you can choose from. These include banners, buttons, XML feeds, DHTML pop-ups and so on. It also features real time reporting of your ad status. The site will mail a check every month, provided that you earn more then $25.00, while rolling over earnings for the next month if you don't. Another interesting thing about AllFeeds is that it integrates with Google AdSense, maximizing your earnings with AdSense.


MarketBanker allows you the unique possiblity to set the pricing for your site. It also allows you to allow or reject any link that appears on your site (although AdSense itself does a very good job of this as well, with URL filters) There's also a statistics section which will allow you to see how well your site is doing. The ads are small just like AdSense's and they're just as easy to set up. Also, registration for MarketBanker is free.


BidClix is different because it has advertisers compete for clicks on your site, which in turn is meant to generate the highest possible profits for your page. It also has a very large pool of advertisers which ensure there are plenty of people to choose your site. However, it does require more polish on site contents then AdSense. As most sites, real time statistics are available and its very easy to get started with this service, but it's also very flexible.


RealContext uses Artificial intelligence to retrieve the most relevant ads for your page. And there's an extra feature which makes RealContext unique as well. Keywords are selected based upon which previous selections payed off and which didn't. That means there's a constant feedback process that ensures you gain better revenue from your ads. It also supports blocking certain adds and child-safe filtering and many more options.


AdHearus is a very feature-packed contextual ad provider. As with AdSense, advertisements are targeted but it doesn't stop here at all. The ads are very flexible, you can select from text-ads, banners, rectangles, pop-ups, pop-unders or skyscrapers. You can also display your own ads, through rotation, both on your site and on other affiliate sites, which makes AdHearus a hybrid with conventional advertising technologies. There's a very comprehensive on-line real time reporting feature and, as usual with such services, starting out is free and it's a breeze.


AffiliateSensor has highly customizable ad blocks, which you can make for yourself with an easy to use on-line interface. You also get realtime reporting with clicks-by-domain, page and refferer. There's integration with Google AdSense as well, through the google_alternate_ad_url so AffiliateSensor can be used as a substitute for Google PSA's (Public Service Ads).

Kanoodle Bright Ads

Kanoodle's offering allows publishers to get ads related to topics or segments, and not the traditional keyword oriented ads. The site also groups publisher sites with advertisers by hand to ensure high-revenue generating ads. And speaking of revenue, the amount of money you receive is a clear 50% share of the amount of money Kanoodle recieves for an advertiser.


TargetPoint is oriented more towards content publishers. It offers full control over the look the ads, statistics over your site's overall performance and better revenue. It's free to register and you earn a guaranteed 60% of the total revenue. You can get payed with Paypal of Bank checks and (most times) wire transfers as well.


Clicksor will earn you as much as 60% from the amount of money your website produces. What you get is about the same as AdSense, there are targeted text ads, you can view the revenues from your website in real time. You can receive money via PayPal or through a check every two weeks, provided that you have earned more then $50. If you haven't made that much, your earning roll over to the next period.

Cracking the Adsense Code

Google Adsense has empowered web publishers of all shapes andsizes to make money from their web sites. Whether you own a hobbysite that gets 100 visitors per day or a popular finance portalthat is flooded with millions of visitors per month, you canbenefit from the Google Adsense program.
Simply sign up for a free account, grab your Adsense code andpaste it up on your website. Well, it sounds good anyway. Inreality, that's not the whole story. Maximizing your adsenseearnings requires a little more care.
Fortunately, you can quickly increase your earnings by readingevery word of this article. I will cover the basic necessitiesand also reveal advanced tips that you won't find on everydigital corner. So, if you're looking to put more money in yourpocket with a few tweaks of code, I urge you to read on.
As you are reading, keep in mind that Google is actually one ofthe best resources for finding information on Adsenseoptimization. Think it's hard to believe that Google would givegood advice? Well, it makes sense when you think about it. Themore you make as a publisher, the more they will make. Google hasa big incentive to help you perform well. Not to mention, theyhave tons of data to research what works best.
So, for much of my research, I took quite a few tips from Google.But don't worry, there are also some advanced tips here thatGoogle will probably never reveal to you.

Most Effective Ad Formats

In general, wider ad formats tend to outperform the taller ads.This is because the wider ads are much easier on the eye.
According to Google, the following ad formats result in thehighest number of click-throughs:
336 x 280
300 x 250
160 x 600
Tim Carter of increased his revenues by 20percent after placing the large rectangle (336 x 280) in the upperleft corner, positioned within his articles.Text links are another ad format that often work well. Using textlink ads, you can create Adsense ads that blend in seamlesslywith your navigation.For an example of this, go to Carter saw an 18 percent increase in his revenues afterplacing link units in the upper left corner under his site searchbar.

Number of Ads

Multiple ad units can sometimes help optimize your performance.This is especially true for pages with lots of text, forums, andmessage boards.
However, it could possibly lower your revenues as well. When youshow more ads, the ads that are placed lower on the page oftenhave lower bid prices than the ones on top. Therefore, you musttest the number of ads on a page to see what works best for you.
When using multiple ad units, make sure that the ad unit with thehighest click-through rate appears first within your HTML code.This will ensure that your prime real estate is occupied by thehighest paying ads. You can use CSS positioning to get yourhighest paying ads placed in the location with the highest CTR.


Ads that blend in with the colors of your site generate thehighest click-through rates. In most cases, it is best to use theexact same color scheme for your ads that you use on your website. To see some good examples of this, check out:
By using ads without background color or borders, your adsseamlessly integrate with your content.
Keep in mind that blue text links seem to perform best for GoogleAdsense. Blue is the assumed color of links on the Internet.Therefore, our pyschie expects links to be in blue.
However, you may want to rotate your colors every once in a whileto spice things up. This way, your visitors don't get used toyour ads, which can cause banner-blindness.

Ad Placement

Just like in real estate, location is the key to success withAdsense. Fortunately, Google provides us with a heat map, showing the best spots for ads.
One of the best places for your Adsense ads are at the top-leftof the page. Because people are used to seeing navigation on theleft side of the page, the eye naturally gravitates to thissection of your web site.
Many studies have been performed to see how the eye travelsacross a web page. You can see a demonstration . Knowing how people viewyour web site will help immensely when optimizing the placementof your ads.
In addition, you should also place your Adsense ads next to richcontent and navigation elements. These ads often do well becauseusers are focused on those areas of a page. You can see examplesof this at and
As you can see, these sites have placed their adsense ads next tosearch boxes and navigation links.
Keep in mind that you shouldn't change the layout of your site tofit the ads, but rather use the ad formats that best fit withyour site layout.


Many publishers have started using images around their ads. As aresult, many of them have doubled their revenues.
One of the most successful implementations of this techniques isto use the 728 x 90 leaderboard with 4 thumbnail-sized images aboveeach ad. You can see some good examples at:
Of course, you can't use images of blinking arrows because thiswould be enticing visitors to click. However, it is perfectlyacceptable to place related pictures beside your ads.
For example, if you have a page about laptops, you could place aleaderboard with 4 laptop images above each ad. In this way, youare using images to complete the story.
In fact, Google is currently testing an ad format that wouldblend images together with related text ads. It seems that evenGoogle thinks that images are a good idea to bring attention toads. To see an example of the Google ads in beta, go to


If you have a forum, I hope you are monetizing it with Adsense.Many people include Adsense within their web site, but when itcomes to their forum, they simply let the ball drop. Forums candefinitely be an extra source of income when optimized properly.
To find out about the best placement for Adsense within forums, Iwent to Google for some advice. To my surprise, they also have aheat map for forums.
One of the best ways to monetize your forum is to place Adsensedirectly within the threads. To see an example of this, go to Googleadvises that you place a skyscraper above the fold on the leftside of your forum and they also suggest placing a leaderboarddirectly below the top navigation and below the first post.
If you are looking for additional ad space, you can place ahorizontal link unit near the top of the forum, just below theheader.
The next Adsense tactic is one that isn't talked about much.However, when used appropriately, it can be extremely powerful.


If you own an newsletter list, then you could easily leveragethat list in order to earn more Adsense revenue. Whenever yousend out your newsletter, simply link to an article on your sitewithin the email. By doing this, you can draw people to yourAdsense pages and easily increase your Adsense revenue.
This is one of the best things about building your own list. Youare able to direct traffic to any place at any time.
In the end, the key to increased revenues is testing. Not allsites are the same. You have to experiment to find out what worksbest for your particular site. What works for one site may notwork for another. Only by testing can you find out which stylesencourage your visitors to respond.

Niches - How to Find a Good One?

Choosing a niche market is a very important step that will really be the difference between possible success and failure.
What should be considered when choosing niches? One of the most important points is whether there is demand for products in that particular niche and what type of competition there is.
It is best to choose certain niches that are focusing on a specific area that is popular and in demand.
Niches like Internet marketing for example although very popular are saturated and to succeed in this market will take a lot of work, as the competition is strong.
Focusing on certain areas of a general niche will normally offer greater rewards. For example instead of targeting health, focus on children's health, women's health, pregnancy, etc.
Offer interesting content that is searched by many people looking for help on specific areas.
Look at forums and discussion boards to see what type of questions are being asked. See if it is possible to find a hot topic and answer those questions whether it is in the form of an ebook or a website closely themed to give information on a specific subject.
Almost certainly there will be a lot of information already available on any niche chosen, so try to be different and offer something unique.
There are many places to visit to find out whether you chosen niche is popular. Visit sites like Ebay, take a look at the subheadings, look at what's hot and want it now sections to find what people are searching for.
Dmoz is another site that will give ideas of what's in demand, go to a general topic and then see how many results are given for subheading to see what is in demand.
Amazon can also offer an idea of what's selling, look at the bestseller lists, to find the latest hot topics.
Use a keyword tool to do some research regarding the number of searches per month on your chosen niche, to get an idea on how many people are looking for information on that subject.
Go to Google and do a search for your chosen niche and on the results page see how many Adwords ads appear on the right of the page. This will give an indication of how popular the topic is.
If there are many ads, then it is a popular niche, and there are many advertisers. This will mean that if thinking of using Adwords as part of the promotion process, then to achieve a good position will probably be expensive depending on the chosen niche.
If there are only a few results in the Adwords section, this doesn't mean that the niche won't be a success. Perhaps it is a new topic that has suddenly become popular and also it will be possible to get a good position in the Adwords results for a low cost per click. (wmtips remark: you can also use our Adsense Preview Tool to examine Adsense Ads for specific keywords.)

Use search engines to see how many searches are being carried out to find popular niches.

5 Ways To Improve Your AdSense Earnings

There are undoubtedly some webmasters who are making a good living out of AdSense. However, there are many webmasters who are not achieving the levels of AdSense income that they had hoped. Is there a way we can learn from the successful webmasters?
Here are 5 proven ways used by webmasters to improve their AdSense earnings.
  1. Concentrate on the best performing format of AdSense ad.
    There are currently twelve different formats which webmasters can use for their AdSense ads. From research, the one format that works well for the majority of websites is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This same format also appears to result in higher CTR (click-through rates).
  2. Blend the AdSense ads into the website. It is recommended that you blend AdSense ads into your site by appropriate us of colors. For example, if your site has a white background, use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea is to make the AdSense ads look like they are part of the web page. It has been found that this approach results in more clicks from people visiting your site.
  3. Place AdSense near the top of the page. It is advised that you place AdSense ads where they can be seen quickly by site visitors. Therefore it is suggested that AdSense ads appear at or near the top of the page. AdSense placed at the bottom of the page, almost as an afterthought, appear to attract very little click activity.
  4. Place images near to your AdSense ads. Images placed near to AdSense text ads has been shown to have a dramatic effect on click-through rates. CTR improvements of several hundred percent have been recorded by using this device. It is thought that the image attracts the eye in a similar way to a photo in a newspapers draws the reader to the associated caption. Software is now available to make adding images to AdSense ads easy to implement.
  5. Automate the insertion of AdSense code. One approach of successful webmasters is to create AdSense sites with large numbers of pages. By saving AdSense HTML code in a text file, this can be called into other pages in the site by using SSI. This is a huge time saver if you are using automatic page generators to create AdSense sites.
These are some of the tips that have worked well for webmasters who have grown their AdSense income. A final tip is to ensure your site focuses on a specific topic or niche, as opposed to being too broad in its content. This will ensure that the AdSense ads shown on your pages are of direct interest to your page viewers, which in turn will result in better CTR.
Note that these tips can only be guidelines. As in every area of internet marketing, the number one tip is to test and monitor. Do try these tips on your AdSense sites, but make sure you monitor the results.
There is no doubt that the AdSense model is workable. And you can improve your AdSense earnings if you simply implement some of the tips outlined here.

Avoid Getting Banned From Adsense

Borrowing a sentence and distorting the same partially from a US Court case against Google, if it is said that “The web is becoming increasingly ‘Googlized”, it would not be wrong. Existing in a web space without Google has virtually become unimaginable. Whether you may need getting fully indexed by Google, or monetizing your site through adsense or ranking high in Google search results or be it getting page rank for your pages; what ever be your reason, you are going to need Google. After all, it has become a sort of objective source of finding content on the internet.

Google adsense and controversies

Rise and rise of Google is not entirely unaccompanied by corresponding increase in litigation and protests over its terms of service. Some of these terms are plainly monopolistic; but you can not wish it away in a fair marketplace.
Those, who have adsense as revenue model for sustenance of their site, would always dread of having a mail like that your account was found to be related to invalid clicks and publishers disabled for invalid clicks are not allowed further participation in the program. Those banned from adsense have a unanimous complaint that they were not served with any warning or were not given any data by Google to substantiate claims of fraudulent clicks. Google on the other hand insists on protecting integrity of its proprietary technology and refuses to divulge any details.
Actually the whole system of adsense is so made up that anyone with just a basic understanding of the internet and search engine ranking can dynamically insert a javascript provided by Google in his website and earn substantial income that is very attractive considering that it takes no much time and one can work from comfort of his home in his free time. This view further gets strengthened when one comes across many “made for adsense sites” on the net that apparently seem to be doing well.
Of course, a unanimous argument is emerging that Google should explain its actions in more transparent way as to when it blocks adsense account or removes a site from its index and what irks the people most it that they are unable to find out how they can regain the lost indexing or page rank. Limiting myself only to the issue of disabling of adsense account in this article, let me opine very clearly that it is good. Nobody has right to cheat ad publishers and it is good that Google takes it seriously.

What can lead to banning from adsense?

Google is not known to take click fraud lightly as they also are to retain the advertisers interest in their mind. But I have seen that they are open to reason. I personally know at least ten webmasters whose account has been restored. If this disabling has happened to you, first action you must take to write them a mail giving all the reasons with some evidence as server log, files etc to strengthen your claim. It is definitely difficult regaining account from Google but if you are honest, it is not impossible. I think more often is the case where the person suffering the ban was doing something they shouldn't have been doing.
Some of things, you must avoid to avoid disabling of your account is signing up under multiple names, clicking yourself or through any network on ads appearing on your publishing network, generating robotized clicks through many enticing programs available on the net, expressly encouraging a visitor to your site to click an ad, having a site that is based on adsense arbitrage. I have seen many sites that expressly state something to the effect that their services are free but to help them sustain please click the ad. To mind, it is like playing with fire and such publishers can face disqualification any time. When you are buying a domain, please satisfy yourself that it is not previously blacklisted by Google. Remember when Google bans a site, it does not deliver ads to any other url which was previously running on same adsense pub-id.
One major reason of getting banned from adsense is get rich quick. A new webmaster, in case, he does not have much content on his site would barely get 10-30 visitor on his site, which are not sufficient to help him earn from ad clicks. What he should do at that stage is to build good content but he is soon tempted by con men on the net selling something like “Automated Adsense Software”. This is biggest scam happening where many new webmasters are trapped. Most of the time such software would steal content through scraping methods and creates thousand of content pages. As such search engines are cluttered with duplicate and useless content and you are risking getting banned from Adsense as this violates the terms of adsense.

Warnings by Google

Many webmasters whose sites have been banned, grudge that they never got any warning. Remember it is up to you to take precaution at the right time and keep checking the logs. Google will not give you any warning. However on a more personal note I have seen Google give warning or sorts. I saw a site which ultimately was banned, had high value ads being offered and gradually started getting low value ads and more and more of “Public Service ads” even when similar sites were served paying ads. This may be was Google's way to telling that something is amiss.

What to do when banned from adsense?

Google bans publishers guilty of fraudulent clicks for life and does not allow then to rejoin the program. I would also like to share from my experience that such is Google's reputation that many advocates who claim to specialize in fighting your case against Google to regain the account also would agree to take your case if you satisfy them that you are a victim and did not do any act against the terms of service.
There is no record of Litigation with Google being fruitful on this account. Google has its proprietary technology to detect such click frauds, which Google does not disclose. This stand of Google that it is not open to disclose its proprietary technology has been upheld by various courts. If you are the one whose account has been disabled, I don't want to appear distressing to you but from my own experience in dealing with such cases, I must say generally ‘something' is there which leads to Google disabling the account. If you are sure you did not indulge in such acts, must look around. May be some competitor did it to hurt you.
However if the banning of adsense, happens, then what are the suggestions, remedies or alternatives? Please go on to read the article from the link given in the signatures.

How to increase your AdSense CTR by blending your ads


Every AdSense publisher want to have a higher CTR for AdSense ads. There are several techniques to this, some of them are: contrast the ads, blend ads or rotate them (change their position from time to time). Ads contrasting is a disputable approach because it can broke overall website look. Rotating also is not a perfect solution, because it can be annoying for your visitors to see advertisings in the unexpected places. Ad Blending is the most popular technique and its goal is to integrate the ads into webpages natural way, so the page content and ads look like a single whole.
Google AdSense allows you to control colors of your ad and link units, so you can configure it to match your website's colors. But AdSense ad code generator does not allow you to control the font style or font size. Having different fonts used in ads and your page contents it is harder to "blend" the ads. So the solution can be to adapt your site's font styles and sizes to the ads displayed.
You can see the full HTML and CSS used for AdSense ads with Firefox browser. Right click the ad, select "This Frame", then "View Frame Source". So you can find out what kind of fonts are used, and can design your web pages using similar fonts.
For your convenience we have created the full list of font styles and sizes used for all text units. As you can see, Verdana, Arial and "Sans Serif" are the most popular fonts, and ad titles are always marked by bold tag (<b>). Please note, the color values in this list are for "Seaside" color palette and could be different for other color palettes.
Please also draw attention to the next excerpt from Google AdSense Policy:
In order to prevent user confusion, we do not permit Google ads or search boxes to be published on websites that also contain other ads or services formatted to use the same layout and colors as the Google ads or search boxes on that site. Although you may sell ads directly on your site, it is your responsibility to ensure these ads cannot be confused with Google ads. It appears from this that you can not "mimic" AdSense ads on your website in any way.

728x90 (Leaderboard)

Title<font style="line-height:12px; font-size:11px; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;"><b>
Ad text<font style="line-height:12px; font-size:10px; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; color:#000000">
Url<font style="line-height:12px; font-size:10px" face="verdana,arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

468x60 (Banner)

Title<font style="font-size:11px; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; line-height:14px;"><b>
Ad text<font style="font-size:10px; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; color:#000000; line-height:12px;">

234x60 (Half Banner)

Half Banner
Title<font style="font-size:11px; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; line-height:14px;"><b>
Ad text<font style="font-size:10px; font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif; color:#000000; line-height:12px;">

120x600 (Skyscraper)

Title<font style="font-size:13px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#0000ff"> <b>
Ad text<font style="font-size:13px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#000000">
Url<font style="font-size:10px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

160x600 (Wide Skyscraper)

Wide Skyscraper
Title<font style="font-size:13px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#0000ff"><b>
Ad text<font style="font-size:13px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#000000">
Url<font style="font-size:10px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

120x240 (Vertical Banner)

Vertical Banner
Title<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:13px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#0000ff"><b>
Ad text<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:13px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#000000">
Url<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:10px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

336x280 (Large Rectangle)

Large Rectangle
Title<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:11px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#0000ff"><b>
Ad text<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:11px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#000000">
Url<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:10px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

300x250 (Medium Rectangle)

Medium Rectangle
Title<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:11px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#0000ff"><b>
Ad text<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:11px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#000000">
Url<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:10px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

250x250 (Square)

Title<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:12px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#0000ff"><b>
Ad text<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:11px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#000000">
Url<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:10px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

200x200 (Small Square)

Small Square
Title<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:12px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#0000ff"><b>
Ad text<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:12px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#000000">
Url<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:10px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

180x150 (Small Rectangle)

Small Rectangle
Title<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:12px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#0000ff"><b>
Ad text<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:12px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#000000">
Url<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:10px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

125x125 (Button)

Title<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:11px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#0000ff"><b>
Ad text<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:11px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#000000">
Url<font style="line-height:14px;font-size:10px" face="arial,sans-serif" color="#008000">

Ten Good Reasons for using Adsense

Why is Adsense so popular? What is the difference between traditional banner ads and Adsense? In this article, I'll give you ten good reasons for using Adsense.
  1. Displaying relevant ads Adsense contains a vast advertiser base and its technology can deliver ads that are highly relevant to the content of the page. For example, you blog is about cars. Adsense will automatically selects those cars related ads and shown on your blog. Studies have proved that the percentage of clicks is higher for relevant ads than random ads. More clicks means higher revenue for you, too!
  2. One contact point and that's it Another advantage is that after you've created a blog about cars, later maybe you want to create another blog about movies also. All you need to do is to use the same Adsense code then that's done. Unlike traditional advertising, you'll have to contact different companies for different kinds of ads. You only need one contact, Adsense.
  3. One time registration only As a Webmaster, you may own several blogs. However, you only need to register with the Adsense program once. After you've registered, if you continue to create another blogs later, you don't need to register with Adsense again.
  4. Credibility of Google With the backup from Google, one of the largest search engines in the Internet, you don't have to worry of not getting pay or being cheated by those fake “earn money online" companies.
  5. Support different languages Now you may wonder, is Adsense supports my language or not? Don't worries Adsense supports different kinds of language, not only English.
  6. Combine your blog with Google search engine
    Apart from earning revenue from ads, joining the Adsense program also enables you to place a Google search box on your site. On one hand, your readers don't have to switch to Google to search something that they're interested; they can search that in your site and make them stay longer. On the other hand, when your readers search it from your site, the results shows up with ads also and you'll get paid when your reader click on it.
  7. Customize the appearance of ads Traditional banner ads made your site looks “ugly" as you don't have much control on its appearance. Let's say you already have a banner on your site and you probably don't want so many banners on it. With Adsense, you can customize the appearance of ads to make it more suitable for your site. If your site is mainly blue, you can choose the color of the ads to be blue also.
  8. Text-based ads Adsense offers you text-based ads as well as traditional graphic banner ads. According to studies, most readers are already getting sick and tired of the traditional graphic banner ads. Automatically, they tend to ignore these banner ads and developed the banner ad blindness behavior. By using text based ads, webmaster doesn't have to face the problem of banner ad blindness and the click through rates will be expected to be much higher, too.
  9. Keep track of the performance of ads You can place your ads in different locations on different pages. Adsense enables you to assign different channels to different ads. As a result, you'll know which location's ad has the highest number of clicks in your site.
  10. Customizable reports Finally, Adsense provides a large range of reports to you. You can analyze these reports and make the corresponding adjustments to improve you site. The reports are customizable, too.

Getting The Most Out Of Google Adsense

   If you look closely you'll notice that on almost every single blog out there you'll see something known as Google Adsense, If your unfamiliar with them and don't know how they work, its rather quiet simple, you take some code place it in your blog and from there Ads are displayed from thousands of publishers who use Google Adworks and when someone clicks on one of those ads you make money.
If I had to guess I would say that at least 70 to 80 percent of people who use Google Adsense have no real clue how to maximize their profit with them, most people just set up some ads and place them on their site and don't do anything else, if you are one of these people then you are not making as much as you should be by doing this and I'm going to explain some ways of how you can improve your profit with them.
First I want to point out that every blog will generate different amounts of money by using Google Adsense, this is because the Ads come from people who are paying Google Adwords to display them and some people pay more then others, so a blog about the sky might not pay as much then a blog about technology because the technology sector is much more competitive then the sky and people will pay more to have their ads displayed.
So how do we get an idea of the amount of money we can generate using Adsense when we are not allowed to discuss it? Well one of the simplest ways is to use the Google Adwords External Keyword Tool. Using this tool is extremely simple, lets say you've got a blog about cars and in the majority of your posts you use the word "Cars“, what you do is type ”Cars“ into the tool and press ”Get More Keywords“, this will generate a list of several keywords that people are paying for, what you want to focus on is the green bar under ”Advertiser Competition", the higher the green bar, the more competitive that keyword is and the more money you'll make if ads about that keyword are being displayed on your blog.
That sounds fairly straight forward doesn't it? Now comes the question of targeting those keywords, most people think that there is no way to tell Google which Ads to display, this is a common myth surrounding Adsense, now you cannot exactly tell Google to display car ads on a biology blog, that simply will not happen, but lets say your using the word "Cars“ in the majority of the posts you make and from what we can tell from theAdwords Tool the keyword ”Cars" is very competitive and it should pay quiet well.
What you can do is place these two bits of code around the text that you want Google to target, the first one looks like this <!–– google_ad_section_start ––>and the last one looks like this <!–– google_ad_section_end ––> what these two tags will tell Google is that instead of taking every keyword on your blog, it will only take the keywords in the text between these two tags. This will refine how well Google displays ads on your site.
If your using Blogger or some other sort of blogging program the easiest way would be to wrap these two tags around the <$BlogItemBody> tag in your template, from there Google will only display ads based upon which keywords each of your posts have. Google will generally display ads based upon how much your keyword density is, so if your using the keyword "Cars" in the majority of your posts, you'll get more relevant ads about Cars and we know that this keyword should pay quiet well and you'll be making more money from it.
Now I want to cover one more tag that you can use with Google Adsense if you don't want to use the two tags I just talked about, they have another tag which looks like this <!–– google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) ––>and <!–– google_ad_section_end(weight=ignore) ––> when you wrap these tags around certain parts of your blog, Google will simply ignore all the keywords in those sections, as you can tell by doing this you get much more control over the type of ads that are being displayed and once you use these systems together you can start to maximize your potential profit with Google Adsense.
These few examples will help you increase the amount of money you get when someone clicks on your ads and it will allow Google to target the content on your site much better, by having more relevant ads on your site you should see your click through rate begin to go up.
The last thing you should be aware of is the colors of your ads, the size of your ads, and the frequency of the ads showing up on any given page. The first thing you want to do is make your ads blend in with the rest of the content, you don't want to make people think all your after is a bunch of clicks, you want them to flow very nicely with the rest of your content, so if the majority of the links on your site are blue then make your Adsense links blue and if your text is black make the Adsense text black and so on.
The size of your ads also influences the amount of clicks your going to get, if you blatantly place huge ads all over your site people will start to trust you less and when you loose a readers trust you loose that much more clicks, its better to provide your users with quality content and ads that don't say "HEY CLICK HERE". Have a look at this particular blog and see how I've got my Adsense blocks laid out, as you'll see they blend in quiet well, they obviously could blend in a little bit better because they do pop out a bit but they don't scream at the user, this mixed with good quality content makes the stand out more acceptable.
The very last thing is the frequency of the ads being displayed on your blog, Google only allows you to display 3 ad blocks on any one page, so if you try to place twelve ad blocks only three will show ads and the rest won't even be noticeable, as well you have to remember that the more ads being shown on your site takes away from the amount of money you'll get per click, I'm unsure of exactly how this all works with Google but simply put the more ads means less money.
Now I'm not telling you to only display one ad on your entire blog to gain maximum profit, you could but you won't be reaching maximum profit, simply because the less ads you have displayed means the less people will click on them and the less money you'll make. The best way to deal with this is to test different ad placement on your site to see which area's gain you the most amount of clicks while maintaining the least amount of ads, you can monitor your results in Google Adsense.
Just keep an eye on your CTR (Click Through Rate) and remember how many ads are being displayed on any particular page, you'll eventually find exactly how many ads you should be displaying and which area's those ads should appear. If you employ all of these techniques there is no reason why your Adsense profit should not go up.
So what are you waiting for, take the 10 minutes and change things around to start earning some more money with your Adsense ads and if you found this information useful please support it by clicking the Digg button below, plus if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them and I'll do my best to answer. Thanks & Enjoy.

10 Great things NOT to do with Google AdSense

There is no question that you can make some good money with Google AdSense, but you're setting yourself up for disaster if you make any of these Top 10 mistakes!
  1. Do not use fake information when opening your Google AdSense account. Google says that's a no-no and they will cut your account off and keep all the money you may have earned. Besides, trying to hide your true identity can cause serious problems with the I.R.S. or whoever your tax authority is.
  2. Do not hack or modify Google AdSense code other than to change the parameters that Google authorizes you to change. Any attempt to bypass Google's built-in algorithms not only poses a danger to the integrity of the network, but it threatens the financial modle that Google operates under. You're not dealing with some Mom-and-Pop company here, and Google has the legal muscle and deep enough pockets to drag you through every court in the land if you damage their business with your hacking antics.
  3. Keep AdSense ads off of your registration, confirmation, and all "thank you" pages. Don't ask me why you can't put your ads there. It makes sense to me that those would be wonderful locations. Google thinks otherwise, however, and doing so is a hanging offense according to their Terms of Service.
  4. Do not display AdSense ads and a competitor's ads (like Overture's) on the same page at the same time. That just makes plain good sense. Google doesn't demand 100% SITE loyalty from you, but they do insist that their own ads not be cluttered up by offerings from their competitors.
  5. Don't "beg for clicks" or provide any incentive for clicking on your Google AdSense ads. This is a biggie and you see this rule violated all the time. Any of the “get paid to do stuff” sites that put Google ads in the member's control panels are walking the plank and they don't even realize it. Even those sites with the polite little messages asking you to “help keep my site running by clicking on our sponsor's ads” are asking to be cut off if those happen to be Google ads.
  6. Never click on the ads running on your own site, even if you are genuinely interested in the product or service and are thinking of buying it! Nothing screams FRAUD louder than a webmaster running up his or her own click counts by happily clicking on ads fromtheir own site. The Google Gods can track this activity and it won't be long until you find yourself getting a goodbye note from their fraud team.
  7. No misleading labeling Google is very specific about what text can be placed around their ads. Their Terms of Service state: "Publishers may not label the ads with text other than 'sponsored links' or 'advertisements.' This includes any text directly above our ads that could be confused with, or attempt to be associated with Google ads."
    This is to keep visitors from becoming confused and barking up Google's tree when they clicked on an ad that led to a porn site instead of the recipe site they were expecting to visit.
  8. Avoid keyword spamming and other divisive tricks. You may be tempted to buy one of those “generates thousands of key-word rich pages in seconds” programs that are so popular these days but I'll tell you this: Their days are numbered. Google is wise to such shenanigans and they will be hot on your trail.
    Other prohibited gimmicks include:
    • "Sneaky" page redirects that send a visitor off to a different site then they were expecting to visit.
    • Multiple sites, domains, pages, etc. which have substantially duplicate content.
    • Hidden text or links of any type.
    • Excessive outbound links on any page. Google recommends no more than 100. I'd keep it way below that.
    • And here is a nugget of wisdom straight from Google's mouth: "Do not participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web as your website may be affected adversely by those links."
  9. Don't advertise anything on Google's prohibited items list. It's a lot shorter lists than PayPal's or eBay's, but it includes a lot of the same stuff like hacking/cracking content, porn, illegal drugs, gambling sites, beer or hard alcohol (I guess wine is OK), weapons, and the other usual stuff.
  10. And the 10th dumbest thing NOT to do with Google AdSense is to let the other nine things stop you from running an honest site that's designed to make the most out of this very profitable opportunity that Google offers!

10 Ways to Double Your AdSense Income Instantly

The principles I'm discussing here is about focus. Here are 10 ways in which you can improve your adsense CPMs and CTRs.
  1. Use section targeting. It's an useful tool for publishers to implement section targeting. To use it, you'll need to add a set of special HTML comment tags to your code increasing mine by nearly 50% overnight. The section targeting works as follows: <!–– google_ad_section_start ––>
    <!–– google_ad_section_end ––>
  2. Increase your keyword density. Improve the quality of your content and contemporarly increasing your keyword density. So you increase your site's visibility in the search engine results while is simple for Adsense to decide which are the ads to display on your web site. For example, if you want ads about 'mobile phone' displayed, then make sure you repeat the word mobile phone as many times as possible.
  3. Choose Your best Ads colors Adsense gives a panel control to change text colours, border colors and environment colors.
    I use:
    Border: #FFFFFF
    Title: #0000CC
    Background: #FFFFFF
    Text: #000000
    URL: #008000
    If the background of your site has a white colors, then the background banners must be white. Someone also use same color for the adsense text and url.
  4. Integrate Your Ads on your content The best ways to get ads-clik is to integrated your banner ads into your contents.
    To get the result below I've put my adsense Ads onto this code:
    <div style=”float: left; margin: 3px;”>

    <div style=”float: right; margin: 3px;”>
  5. Use Ad Filter Advertisers can block up to 200 advertisers with the URL filter tool.
  6. Use Channels Is a powerful tracking to monitor the performance of specific pages and ad leaderboard banner.
  7. Position your banner ads Try and position your secondary ads where you think your users may be lingering on your page.
  8. Remove the date icon and category under title It can distract your visitors from the banner Ads.
  9. Increase your traffic Getting more page views is often the most important goal for web developers. One of the best ways to get free traffic to your blog is by marketing articles with specific titles that will help your search engine optimization activities. However the most important factors which contribute to success are his continues efforts to educate himself and hard work, you must write at a level that is beyond most of your readers. There is no magic bullet.
  10. Getting a simpler web page Try to keep any unnecessary links, badges, logos etc away from your best units, so that nothing, and I mean nothing, gets in the way of users seeing your ads.
Nicola Deiana works in software development since 2000s, with emphasis on software requirements and development methodology. He is the author of a popular site for lovers of the technology

10 Adsense Tips for Maximum CTR

  1. You should make your Adsense ads look as a part of your web page They shouldn't look like an Ad. People are negative to advertising. They search the internet for content not ads. Especially Banners have a less of 0,5% response. Their days are over. Imagine if you have an Adsense ad looking like the typical Banner with different colors. It will not be profitable.
  2. Text ads are better than image ads Like before, people are more responsive to text than images. In a way it is considered as a part of the online document and has higher CTR.
  3. No Border ads One of the best tricks is to erase the borders of Adsense ads and make them again having the same color with your website's background.
  4. No other advertisements The first reason is to be legitimate according to Google's Rules and the second more practical reason is that you do not want to distract your visitor's attention and go somewhere else without clicking your Adsense ads.
  5. Placement Even if you have the best Ad, people will not respond if they don't see it instantly. The best place to see the ad is the top of your web page and the next is aside your document's text. Visitors will click it more frequently since it will look like your text.
  6. Traffic Try to use legitimate ways of traffic. Some people use Google Adwords and other Pay per Click search engines. The problem here is to search very carefully for the right niche and keywords in order to make your campaigns profitable. Other ways is link popularity techniques like link exchange directories, software or even mass blog submission techniques. Don't use link farms and classifieds for that, because search engine's algorithms are extremely clever and they will ban your listings.
  7. Do not rely on one website Yes you can make money with one website but try to make as more as possible.
  8. Relevant content is King Articles are one of the best tactics to create huge websites that will be crawled by search engine's robots. Don't forget search engines exist to provide relevant content at first. One excellent resource to automate your article directory procedure is .You can create an article database in minutes which otherwise is time consuming and it would take you a week!
  9. Use site maps Google's site maps visit your site and crawl it much sooner that any other submission process. More information is here:
  10. Relevant ads It's one of the most important factors for Adsense success. If the internet user can't find relevant ad in your page he or she won't click the ad. Would you act differently? So it's critical to create relevant resource for your web page. In order to do that, you must do the following steps.
    First the file must be saved with the appropriate name for example: Golf-Secrets.html if your article is about golf. So the webpage will be: Second thing you must change is your title tag. For example: <Title>Golf-Secrets article </title> Third is the heading. The first sentence must have this heading: <h1>12 Golf secrets</h1>

4 Tips to Improve your AdSense revenue

How many times have you seen an ad campaign running for “Google Adsense” that makes it sound so easy to make revenue by just copying and pasting their code onto your website? After all the research I have done on Google Adsense, I finally realized how it is not that easy just to copy and paste. There is much more beyond this that must be done in order to make Google Adsense revenue.
The following are techniques that must be implemented in order to really make money with Google Adsense:
  1. Design a website that is Google Adsense friendly. In other words, make sure that your website has much content that is keyword rich and make sure your keyword density is decent. Make sure that you are using the most beneficial keywords for your niche. Try to choose keywords that cost more for pay per click. For example, if a keyword such as “dog training” cost $2.00 per click to run an ad campaign, you can be well assured that you will make around half of that per click. By choosing the top competitive keywords, you will increase your Adsense revenue considerably. Once indexed, Google will then be able to known what correct ads to place on your website.
  2. Generate traffic to your website using a number of different techniques.
    • Writing articles By writing articles at least once a week and submitting them to article directories such as Ezine. The more article directories that you submit to, the more back links you are creating for your website. You can pay for article directory submission, which can cost as little as $80 every quarter.
    • Search Engine Directory Submissions By submitting your website URL to search engine friendly directories, you are creating back links back to your website. Make sure that you only submit to search engine directories with a Google page rank of four or higher. You can pay around $11.00 per website to submit to 100 directories with a page rank of four or higher. Create ads: By publishing classified ads, you are advertising your website and creating back links back to your website. US Free Ads and Domestic Sale are two places that you can submit your ad to for free.
    Just remember back links, back links, back links!
  3. Google Adsense ads can be published and designed in a wide variety of formats. When displaying your ads, decide upon a size that would be best suitable for your website. There are different sizes to choose from. There are also different fonts and colors you can use to create your ads. Try to use a color that blends in well with your website. Also, although borders can be used, many web publisher's state on forums and blogs, that once they removed their borders, they had more clicks on their ads.
  4. When displaying ads on your website, it is best to place them in a place where visitors can review them. One good place to display your ads is somewhere at the top of your website. A lot of web publishers use the top left corner for displaying Google Adsense. However, when you go to a website, what is one of the first things you look at? Could it be how the website is navigated by its menu? That is why another great place to display your ads could be near the navigation menu.
Earning revenue with Google Adsense takes time, patience, and trial and error. The more you read about how Adsense works for others, the more you will understand how it will work for you.

How to insert AdSense, Chitika or any other Javascript code into new Blogger template

Not long ago Google Blogger platform added new widget-driven templates, which use different approach from the "Classic" template. Classic template was based on HTML, new Blogspot templates now are based on XHTML which is a branch of XML.
So, classic templates are incompatible with new Blogger templates. New Blogger templates use "Page Elements" (widgets) but the places where you can insert widgets are rather limited. So what about if you need more flexibility than they allow?
  1. Google Widgets are always separated by dashed horizontal rules, which can be inappropriate if you want to blend your ads.
  2. You cannot insert widgets inside your blog post, so you need to edit template HTML code.
XML is more strict and standardized than HTML, and you cannot insert arbitrary HTML and javascript code into your new Blogspot template. Sure you can revert to classic template, but you'll lose your widgets and maybe some of your design.
Of course you can use standard Blogger feature for adding AdSense ads between your posts (Blogger - Template - Page Elements - Blog Posts - Edit - Show Ads Between Posts). After that you can move these ads position using this technique. But sometimes it is not enough: for example you cannot specify channel, you cannot insert AdSense for referrals code. Also you are not able to insert ads from other ad networks (YSM, AdBrite, Chitika) with this method.
Maybe you already have tried to insert some javascript code into your teplate HTML, and on Preview/Save template got an error similar to this:
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
So why your template could be not valid when something changed? Here is the some of XML requirements:
Basically, to make Adsense code, pasted into blogger template, valid, you need to replace several characters with their XML entities. They are:
Warning: Always back up your template html before changing into a new one!
This change could be quite annoying if doing manually, so we have an online tool for doing this: HTML Encoder. Frankly speaking, purpose of this tool is not only converting HTML for Blogger templates. It just replaces all special HTML characters into their entities. This is the case we need exactly the same.
If you view HTML source of resulting blog pages in a browser, you will find the exact same AdSense code that Google provides, without any modification.
Since Google allows only certain number of ads per page, the remaining ads will not be shown if you have several post on same page. They have a logic in their javascript code to suppress the extra-ads display. But it can be reasonable to show not more than 3 posts on the blog's main page.
Disclaimer: Use at own risk. If you have concerns about inserting more than maximum number of ads allowed, you could contact the AdSense team and let them get back to you on their official stand.
Maximum number of AdSense ads, per page (from AdSense Policy):
Ad typeMax count
Context ad unit3
Link unit3
Referral unit3
Search box2
Hint: It may be more efficient to place your AdSense code enclosed into floating div, so you can style and align it with CSS any way you want: <div style="float: right; margin: 10px;">
AdSense Code
Nevertheless, this method of inserting arbitrary code into template could be used not only for AdSense, Chitika, AdBrite but for any html/javascript (social bookmarking buttons ("Digg it", Stumbleupon button, etc.), any javascript widgets and so on). So if it can accomplished with Blogspot page elements, stick with them, if cannot, you can use the technique described above.